Vi översätter Polen för Sverige.


January highlight

January highlight

At the end of each month, we highlight projects that have been particularly interesting or educative. This time we want to give prominence to prosthetic dental...

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November highlights

November highlights

Translation projects this month offered a mix of soft and hard – there was more beauty and fashion, but also construction industry, IT and med-tech. We are running a...

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October highlights

October highlights

First of all, a big ‘thank you’ to our Swedish customers who took advantage of the KANELBULLE campaign. Together we made a donation to Skåne Stadsmission, a local...

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September highlights

September highlights

September offered an interesting project mix: medical devices, building & construction, travel industry, GDPR and more... We were was glad for the opportunity to...

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July highlights

July highlights

Sum-up of the month: The best part has been the ability to combine some leisure time with translation jobs – some of them related to these areas: • payment solutions •...

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