Sedan början på året samarbetar vi med den internationella redaktionen på BTJ. BTJ sysslar med många häftiga saker knutna till bibliotek, media och informationshantering. En av deras tjänster heter Inköpsvägledningen och är till för att hjälpa biblioteken att...
Vi översätter Polen för Sverige.
June highlight
There is so much happening at the meeting point between human and technology. One of our clients, Care To Translate, are developing a useful tool that facilitates communication in the healthcare industry. By no means are they trying to replace interpreters or...
May highlight
Did you know that there are glass panes that can be "tuned" to control the amount of light, glare and heat passing through? This is possible thanks to various photochromic, electrochromic and thermochromic mechanisms. The technology is utilised in office buildings,...
April highlight
We are very proud of our cooperation with Lingio – a really cool company that combines technology, languages and passion to make a change. Lingio specialises in e-learning and provides world-class Swedish courses focused on specific job sectors. We just love the idea...
Vi fick in många spännande svar på tävlingsfrågan: Vad innebär kvalitet i din bransch?Det vinnande svaret kom från Theodor Sandström på MedicPen AB som fångade upp ett helhetsperspektiv: Kvalitet inom Medicinteknik är kopplat till många delar, som i de flesta andra...
March highlight
Let us put focus on some projects that have been particularly interesting or educative in March. This month, we have learned a lot about different types of concrete and their use. Did you know that you can blast rocks without the use of any explosives, but with a...
First anniversary
NW Språktjänster celebrates one year on March 15! We want to share a few milestones on the way with you. On March 15, 2018 the company is registered at the Swedish Tax Office. With the formalities in place, we can start realising the idea of providing qualitative...
1-års jubileum
Den 15 mars 2019 fyller företaget NW Språktjänster 1 år! Vi har valt ut några milstolpar på vägen till 1-års jubileum. Den 15 mars 2018 blir företaget registrerat hos Skatteverket. Med formaliteterna på plats kan vi börja förverkliga idéen om kvalitativa språktjänster...
February highlight
An interesting project we want to highlight this month has been related to solar energy and the technologies used to collect it. The most common ones are: Photovoltaic systems (PV), such as the solar panel in the picture above, convert light into electricity. Solar...
SFÖ membership
We have recently been granted membership of the Swedish Association of Professional Translators (SFÖ) – an organisation that promotes good professional practice and exchange of knowledge and experience between professional translators. To join SFÖ, you need to meet...
Vi har nyss blivit medlem i Sveriges Facköversättarförening (SFÖ) – en branschorganisation som värnar om översättaryrkets status och god yrkessed. För att komma med i SFÖ behöver man klara särskilda krav på utbildning och erfarenhet – vi ser alltså medlemskapet som en...
På självaste Alla hjärtans dag har vi nöjet att annonsera vinnaren av vår konsttävling. Grattis Barbara Walton i Göteborg som svarade 100% korrekt på tävlingsfrågan! Din vinst kommer med posten inom kort. Bland våra bilder från utställningen om Det unga Polen...
January highlight
At the end of each month, we highlight projects that have been particularly interesting or educative. This time we want to give prominence to prosthetic dental reconstructions, as we have worked on several translations related to this area.Texts related to medicinal...
Det unga Polen i Göteborg
En översättare tillbringar merparten av sin arbetstid ensam vid sin dator. Därför är det viktigt att söka inspiration utanför kontoret, odla och utveckla sina kunskaper i språket och kulturen man arbetar med. Årets första kunskaps- och inspirationsresa tog oss till...
Hej 2019!
Vi lanserar vår nya hemsida och företagets logotyp som vi har laddat med symbolik. Logotypen representerar vår anknytning till de två språk, länder och kulturer som vi är specialiserade på – Polen och Sverige.Dess form är inspirerad av en kurbits – ett...
December highlights
Despite the festive season, December has been very busy in the translation business. Our projects this month dealt with a range of areas, including: interior design, food industry, insurance claims, heavy machinery, to mention just a few. We are excited to find out...
God jul! Wesołych Świąt! Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!
It's time to slow down the pace and charge the batteries for a whole new year of language services. Thank you for a wonderful 2018! Merry Christmas! #whyilovemy #xl8 #språk #kultur #lokalisering #localisation #localization
November highlights
Translation projects this month offered a mix of soft and hard – there was more beauty and fashion, but also construction industry, IT and med-tech. We are running a truly versatile business! #whyilovemyjob #xl8 #fashion #mode #construction #bygga #it #medtech...
October highlights
First of all, a big ‘thank you’ to our Swedish customers who took advantage of the KANELBULLE campaign. Together we made a donation to Skåne Stadsmission, a local charity organization helping people in need. Translation projects this month took us further into the...
September highlights
September offered an interesting project mix: medical devices, building & construction, travel industry, GDPR and more... We were was glad for the opportunity to dig deep into some of our specialty fields. #whyilovemyjob #xl6 #medtech #gdpr #travel